Posts Tagged ‘dog training’

Training a dog can be a very fun and enjoyable experience both for the dog and the owner. But there are times when the owner mistakenly commit gestures which offends the dog in some way. here some of the tips to remember when you are trying to train your dog: (more…)

Before teaching your dog how to lie down, you should train him first how to sit. Teaching him how to sit will make the training much easier and faster. There are two ways you can teach a dog how to lie down. The first one is without the use of your leg or chair, and the other one is using the latter. (more…)

Imagine your dog greeting every visitors of yours using his paws instead of wagging his tail. Would it be very cool to see yuor dog shaking hands with your friends? Teaching a dog to shake hands is also very simple and easy. (more…)

Training your dog may seem very tricky, but the trick is very simple. Teaching your dog how to sit is like rewarding him. But this time, he gets to learn something aside from being rewarrded. (more…)

Voice tone is very important when training a dog. Dogs only understand dog language, they do not understand our language as humans. So the best way to communicate with them is through voice tone. When your tone is harsh and loud, they will take that as a hint that you are (more…)

For all we know, there are three kinds of learning methods that we humans use: inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, and repetition. We use all these three kinds of observatory techniques to conclude a particular conclusion from sets of parameters.


For beginners, it is advised you use a leash and a collar for your dog when you are training him for the first couple of sessions. You might as well use some Frisbee, ball, or any lightweight material that you may toss so as to instruct a dog for a particular command.
